© Thomas Mayer

MEB 16

en | de
City, Country Berlin, Germany
Year since 2019
Client Senat für Bau- und Wohnungswesen, Berlin
Architect NKBAK
Services Structural Engineering
Building Physics

Berlin wants to answer to the demand for additional school places with different types of modular supplementary buildings (MEB). The type buildings, which are formed from serially prefabricated modules, are intended to complement existing school buildings. The modular schools are planned as three-story buildings without a basement, with more than 50 years of service life.

The MEB 16-type building is to be constructed as a timber modular building, comprising a total of 16 classrooms and two common rooms. On the ground floor, a kitchen, dining hall, and rooms with demand-oriented use are planned. Vertical access is via two staircases and a lift at each end of the building. WCs and other supply rooms are connected to the staircase cores. As part of the building physics, sound insulation, fire protection, and heat supply must be re-evaluated for each of the MEB 16 locations.
