8 March 2024

Beton-Kalender 2024: Article

This year's 'Beton-Kalender’, published by Ernst & Sohn, focuses on highrise buildings, digital design, and construction robotics.
We are delighted to have been part of the team of authors in this issue. With Hubert Bachmann, Roger Schmitt, and Jürgen Wacker, our colleagues Alexander Berger and Simon Ruppert deal in the article ‘Hochhausbau in der Praxis’ with the structural engineering of highrise buildings focusing on prestressed and reinforced concrete.

Challenges in the planning process, such as the effects of wind loads on increasingly slender bracing cores, are vividly described here from the perspective of experienced engineers.

Image: Book cover by Ernst & Sohn

Take a look at the reading sample by clicking on the link below.