© Telluride Architekten

Rehabilitation Centre Deutsche Rentenversicherung Mölln

en | de
City, Country Mölln, Germany
Year since 2022
Client DRV Bund
Architect Telluride Architekten
Services Structural Engineering
Facts GFA: approx. 24,000 m²

The DRV Bund is planning to build a new replacement building at the Hellbachtal Clinic site to meet modern rehabilitation requirements. The new building will be constructed while the neighboring existing buildings remain in operation. The design will feature a base floor that houses the functional areas and thematically zones them. On top of this, four structures will be grouped, with the storeys staggered from north to south. The six-storey structure in the north will be used for examination, treatment, and management. Hospital rooms will be located in the west, east, and south structures. Wrap-around balconies are planned for the upper floors of all structures except the northern one. The northern part of the base storey will have a partial basement, which will house storage, changing rooms, and the building services center.